
If you're new to the blog this is a great place to start, or if you've been around for a while and just never clicked this tab until now it might decipher our secret blogging code for you.

One strange thing we have learned through our study of creativity, that at first seemed very counter intuitive, was that creativity actually thrives better in loosely structured environments than in a wild free-for-all.  So in making this blog we did ourselves and our personal creativity a favor by adding in a little bit of structure.

Here's our top secret posting rubric for you!

Mondays - The Challenge

     Every Monday we start off the week by posting up some sort of inspirational challenge for you as you head into your week, this is a community project and we love getting images of your challenge results or testimonials so make sure to send us your pictures and comments at:

Wednesdays - Inspirational Posts / Action and Adventure / Personal Insight / Take 5: Behind the Artist Statement (Basically, whatever we want!)

     Pictures, Videos, Podcasts, anything to get your creative juices sparked!
     Wednesdays are adventure days where we usually post up ideas for play dates or inspirations for creative journeys to add into your own life.

     We have a wide variety of contributing authors and each week one them (or one of us) shares a personal observation on their creative life.

Fridays - Grab Bag
     Are whatever the hell we feel like posting… it's a surprise :)

So there you have it, our top secret bloggers rubric.  If we don't stick to it religiously don't sue us, remember… they are more… guidelines... you might say. ;)