WARNING: Extreme fangirling ahead.
Keri Smith. Always Awesome. (Image from kerismith.com) |
If the world had a BFF, and that BFF was always trying to make the world sit up and take care of its creative spirit, well, that BFF would probably be Keri Smith.
This kickass author/illustrator/guerilla artist and generally awesome person lives in Vancouver, B.C., and has been rocking the world with her
incredible books since 2005. For a complete bio,
check out her site. Actually, for a whole lot of awesome,
check out her site -- you'll be glad you did.
But what I want to focus on today is what she wrote to one young artist -- yes, she reads and responds to ALL of her fan mail, including the email I sent her (squeee!!!).
It's called
Ecstatic Flailing, and these are the choice quotes from it that made my little heart tie itself up in knots before exploding in joy:
If we were sitting in the same
room I would sit next to you, take your hand in mine, and look straight
into your eyes and say, “I know that pressure you speak of very well.
The “focus on self-promotion, competitiveness, networking and always
attempting to be edgier and smarter than others at all costs”. I have
felt that pressure too, still do on occasion. But here is what I know
now, that I didn’t know before when I started out…
Creating work out of that pressure, doing all of the things that you
have been taught by others, and listening to that voice in your head
that tells you you need to be better is not what will create that
success you are craving. The true work, (meaning the work you are here
to do), comes from a completely different place than this.
[… T]he energy that you
feel when you are creating is very important and will tell you if you
are on the right path. Not that there is only one path, there are many,
but I am referring to doing work that fulfills you and brings you
“success”, and when I say success I really mean “work that is meaningful
to you”, work that is aligned with your ideals
[...] I’m not saying that you won’t have many bad days where you feel
incompetent and like you are flailing like a crazy person. As Kurt
Vonnegut put it so perfectly, “When I write, I feel like an armless,
legless man with a crayon in his mouth.” But at times you will also
feel like you are able to leap over tall buildings with great ease if
you go directly into that place you spent a lot of time when you were a
kid, experimenting and making messes, and playing on the floor.
[...] I hope I have not painted the picture that I have got it all figured
out, because that is hardly the case. I am flailing right along with
everyone else. But I now do it with as much open energy as I can
muster, and I am much better at recognizing what is filling me up and
what is sapping me.
You can see why I'm a fan, right? But this is the clincher for me:
[... Y]ou are beautiful, and talented
and you have something to say.
[...] It doesn’t matter one iota if you are unsure of what it is that you
want to say just yet. The more you try to trust the process, the more
you will figure it out piece by piece.
BE STILL MY FREAKING HEART. (Did you read the whole thing yet? No??
GO. READ. Now.)
Was I right about the awesomeness? Perhaps --- it certainly is #somethingawesome for me. But I bet there are some other something awesome things out there, that you might want to share. If so, I have some good news for you! There's still time to enter
your #somethingawesome to win
our something-secret-and-awesome -- and you have until midnight Friday to do it!
Read more here, and then get to sending us the stuff that rocks your world!